Kristyn's Photography
    I used a photo of my dog and a depth of field photo with trees and my street to create the double exposure. When I was playing around with them on Photoshop I didn't really have a purpose or meaning to how they would relate, but after finishing it I realize that it could kind of resemble a lost puppy. He's looking helplessly/scared and the trees and road resemble being lost in the woods and not being able to find the road home. The tree in the far left takes up the negative space on the wall and the brown from the door and frames bring out the trees. I used a low opacity on the front layer, which was the trees, so I could see the dog. I also used the hard light color filter. I darkened the photo of the dog and kept the opacity at 100%. If I were to change or add anything I would probably try to lighten the dogs face a little.